234-7 Westwinds Crescent NE, Calgary, AB, T3J 5H2 answers@version20systems.com

Government Agencies

Government Agencies

Government agencies such as municipalities and government hospitals own large amounts of critical infrastructure. These can be operational and systems softwear, equipment, machinery, pumping and HVAC systems, detention ponds, utilities, traffic control systems, intersections, roads and bridges, just to name a few.  This infrastructure can equate to both tangible and intangible assets.  Asset management is becoming more and more important as many of these are reaching the end of their useful lives or being completely overutilized.  Without periodic system-wide tracking and optimization, costs may be becoming unreasonable or even spiraling.  Determining the economics and when to re-invest would be key in that decision-making process. Further, capitalizing on opportunities such as grants or tax incentives and/or benefits may be missed from timely lifecycle replacement and new build investments.  We have the depth of government experience in this field of asset management to help construct systems that allow agencies get a full and refined picture of their assets. With the “finger on the pulse” at any given time and a metrics check dashboard, Administration can plan for projects with full ability to report and present to Council and/or other stakeholders. Such systems can be constructed in such a way that all information is owned by the agency outright as opposed the current patchwork of private sector and public sector knowledge and possession.

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